Peter Klein and PK Associates believes strongly in strategic thinking and a customized strategic planning process that works.
When faced with the Annual Strategic Planning Process or day-to-day Business Planning
it is not unusual to experience the following:
Do I have to sit through so many meetings?
I’ve got so many fires to fight... let’s just write it and get it done!
It’s a horrible time to schedule meetings!
It is too mechanical… looked at as a Report to be prepared, presented… then put away!
In the course of developing your corporate, company-wide strategic roadmap, you need to ask yourselves a lot of questions... and answers can vary widely by point-of-view… because, where you stand, depends on where you sit!
Do you need an updated or new company and/or business unit growth ‘vision’, a strategically-driven Governing Statement that makes sense and is achievable for the company, and links to each operating business unit governing statement?
What is a growth vision statement, why have one, and what makes it work?
Everybody wants something from you
Consumers want more value in product or service quality at a price they want to pay… and they want convenience
Customers want more value from one end of the store (or distribution channel you operate in) to the other… and from one end of your business system to the other
And the financial markets want companies who understand that the prize in this millennium goes to those who understand the 'value for the money game' and how to play it well
Focusing internally plus externally on consumers, customers
PK Associates can discuss:
Enhancing your ability to focus your organization on growth drivers and things that can make a difference today and tomorrow
Improving your ability to develop actionable insights and implications… and superior, market-driven, action-oriented solutions to drive profitable sales with more predictability and consistency… and operating profit plus financial returns growth (TSRs)
Strategic Thinking process that builds organizational ownership, commitment and accountability
Developing templates and tools you can easily use within your organization as you practice Strategic Thinking daily… not only at Strategic Planning time of the year! e.g., Plan-On-A-Page
PK Associates can help you streamline the Annual Strategic Planning process:
Questions to ask yourself in developing your company-wide, SBU and functional groups development of their strategic plan and roadmap, that translates into your annual Operating Plan and Budget
What is the right planning process for you that has management buy-in and ownership?
PK Associates also provides counsel and project work on e-Business:
e-Business is a strategic imperative, mandatory … and goes well beyond, say, digital media … it touches every functional group and department across a company’s business system / value chain … and is all about driving superior effectiveness and efficiency
e-Business Strategic Plan
e-Business consists of:
Electronic commerce ... e-tailing
Consumer / customer relationship management ... e-communications
Cost savings, knowledge management & leverage across the company ... e-productivity
View e-Business as a productivity and customer service initiative first, and a revenue generator second
Successful implementation of e-Business requires thinking out of the box
Success in e-Business is defined by measurable business results ... increased profitable sales, reduced costs, improved productivity, and increased consumer and customer satisfaction